Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics

The department offers BS degrees in Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Science in addition to an MS in Chemistry and an MS in Cosmetic Science. Also available are several concentrations at the undergraduate and graduate levels in addition to undergraduate minor programs.
Our department is extremely well-equipped with modern instruments including 300 MHz NMR, liquid chromatography, GC-MS, high resolution FTIR, and Raman equipment.
The BS in Chemistry program is the primary degree for entry into the chemical and pharmaceutical industry and also for graduate programs in chemistry, biochemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, bio-medical engineering, and many other areas. This degree program is especially suitable for potential applicants to professional schools in medicine, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine. Pre-med students usually take the MCAT exam in their junior years after completing organic chemistry.
The MS programs are designed for working chemists in local industries who want to extend their knowledge in modern chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, or cosmetic science.
The Program in depth
The major in chemistry program is particularly well suited to premedical students. Entrance requirements for most medical schools require an undergraduate program to include a general course in biology, general physics, English composition, modern language, and some calculus, in addition to a strong chemistry background. Premedical students should add to the Bachelor of Science with a major in chemistry program two semesters of general biology (botany and zoology) and, perhaps, one advanced biology course as electives. Pre Professional counseling for science and health careers is available on campus.
Chemistry students in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry established a local Chemistry Honor Society in the Spring of 2012. On February 22, 2013, a formal ceremony was held to officially install our Sigma Eta chapter of the national Gamma Sigma Epsilon Chemistry Honor Society and to induct new members.